

Our experts, who have already got to know our new iCRYSTAL transparent resin for castings up to 2 cm, share a few tips when working with this resin.

In their reviews they illustrate which applications this new resin lends itself to:

iCrystal Resin
  • For wood and worktops: high transparency (water effect) and ideal for casting up to 2 cm, with an excellent quality-price ratio..
  •    For artistic creations, jewellery, coasters, decorative works, shelves, cutting boards, dried flowers, pebbles, shells, coins, wine corks – the thinner the pour, the fewer bubbles you will have! Shiny surface and excellent self-leveling properties – the resin most recommended for beginners by experienced artists and craftsmen.
  • For Masterclasses: You will save yourself and your student’s time – the 2: 1 ratio is easy to use. Being an inexpensive resin, it is perfect for masterclasses, where a lot of resin is usually required! It is also suitable for other applications, and you will find all the necessary information in the review below

Here is a list of the main properties:

  •  Resin processing time of approximately 1.5 hours
  • Complete hardening after 18-26 hours, and partial – after 12 hours (with higher temperatures, polymerization will be faster and vice versa)
  •  Heat resistance up to 70 ° C
  • It is advisable to work at an ambient temperature of 20-24 ° and with a low humidity rate

A little secret from the ResinPro team for those who want to get a perfectly glossy surface:

After mixing the two components, it is recommended to wait 10-15 minutes until a temperature of about 40 ° C is reached before casting.

This step will cause any bubbles to rise to the surface, and the pre-curing process will help avoid the influence of moisture on the resin and the appearance of dull areas or imperfections on the surface.

We have worked hard to create this ICrystal version with an unbeatable quality-price ratio!

The simple use ratio (2: 1) and the crystalline transparency of the resin are a real joy for all artists!

iCrystal: Transparent epoxy resin Crystal effectQuality at the Best Price


up to 2 cm liquid

starting from €17.89

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